The Challenge
Create an Interactive Donor Outreach

SMU engaged The Virtual Wild to create an engaging webXR experience to assist the Cox development team’s fundraising for the university’s $1.5 billion capital campaign.
Digital Art Direction
Front + Backend Development
Interactive Content
Interactive Design
UI/UX + Information Architecture
Motion Graphics
Digital Art Direction
Front + Backend Development
Interactive Content
Interactive Design
UI/UX + Information Architecture
Motion Graphics
Digital Art Direction
Front + Backend Development
Interactive Content
Interactive Design
UI/UX + Information Architecture
Motion Graphics

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The Solution
Utilize WebXR for an Immersive Experience

With Threejs WebXR frameworks, new levels of interactivity are possible.
The Experience Features:
- Ultra accessibility for most devices
- Interactive 3D layers via Threejs and React
- Easy to use and shareable via simple url
- Visualized the physical highlights of the architectural improvements to the campus
- Personalized features engage potential donors
- Analytics and admin dashboard allow SMU to monitor the site’s use and have informed conversations with donors
The REsult
Funding the Future

- 14+ min avg session duration shows users are engaged vs 2-3 minute for average websites
- 530 targeted prospective visitors so far
- Personalized communication with potential donors
- Halfway through their fundraising efforts, SMU is already seen marketed improvements in engagement and campaign interest
Explore the finished website at coxrenovation.smu.edu